Friday, December 7, 2007

Louis J Sheehan 80144

In deploring our continued involvement in Iraq, Bob Herbert wrote in his Dec. 4 column, “Now and Forever”: “A country that can’t find the money to provide health coverage for its children, or rebuild the city of New Orleans, or to create a first-class public school system, is flushing whole generations worth of cash into the bottomless pit of a failed and endless war.”

Those are words to keep in mind as we choose a new president and Congress next year. The Bush administration’s arrogance and disastrous misjudgment have highlighted the longstanding need for a change in our national priorities.

We should hope that our next president believes that the chief role of government is not to project military power abroad but to safeguard our liberties at home and provide the services for its citizens that make for a strong and healthy society. Louis J Sheehan

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