Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Louis J Sheehan 238210.038



Voters Signal a Hunger for Change
December 18, 2007; Page A2

Change is the most powerful word in politics, and it's beginning to appear American voters want to send change roaring through the system like a gale-force wind in 2008.

We're talking about the kind of change that doesn't merely adjust the dials but twists them in a decidedly different direction. The signs that such sentiment is afoot in the land are starting to multiply.

They can be seen in the rise of Mike Huckabee among Republicans and Barack Obama among Democrats in the presidential campaign. The two candidates are gaining ground precisely because they represent a significant departure from the status quo.

The change imperative is implicit in all kinds of polling numbers. In the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, two-thirds of those surveyed now regularly say that things are "off on the wrong track," the highest sustained level of dissatisfaction in 15 years.

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